Hedgehog Home Camera System
Hedgehog house fitted with a standard resolution CCD Camera for connection to a TV via a Scart/ RCA input.
This Hedgehog Box has a mini CCD camera already installed for you. The hedgehog camera will produce colour images only if there is enough daylight coming through the entrance tunnel, this type of habitat is usually placed in and around foliage so clear black and white (Infrared) images will likely be received most of the time due to naturally low light level conditions. The hedgehog box camera includes a highly sensitive microphone so you can hear as well as see what's going on inside the hog box.
The hedgehog house camera kit is very easy to set up straight to your TV, we include full instructions plus hedgehog habitat hints and tips to help increase your chances of successful hedgehog nesting and hibernation.
The Hedgehog Box
This handmade hedgehog house has all the best features of our previous hedgehog boxes including an integrated entrance tunnel leading round to the hog nesting chamber with good roof ventilation. This high quality hedgehog home has been designed with a removable roof which is angled to disperse rain water over the back of the hedgehog box. The box is handmade and manufactured from grade 'A' exterior ply which has also been double coated with a water resistant preservative.
You can help the hedgehogs in your garden by providing a safe home for them over the winter months.
Hedgehog Home features:
- Fully built-in tunnel with large square access for even the largest hedgehog to avoid unwanted visitors.
- Handmade with screwed joints and double coated with a preservative
- Raised base to enable the box to be partially buried.
- Safe nesting chamber well away from the tunnel entrance.
- Specially designed ventilation to provide just the right temperature and humidity.
- Removable and routed roof for secure fitment, easy inspection and cleaning.
- Material: High quality 12mm resin bonded ply.
- Floor battens which raise the hedgehog box off the ground.
- Dimensions: H250 x W420 x L516 mm
- Weight: 6.25kg
- Warranty: 3 years camera only