2-bank Austbat Harp Trap
Faunatech Austbat Harp Trap - 2-bank 4.2m2
The Faunatech Austbat Harp trap range has been in continual production for over twenty five years and over that time it has been refined and improved to offer today’s bat worker the most effective, reliable and easy to assemble bat trap possible.
The Faunatech Austbat range includes the classic two-bank and innovative three and four-bank versions. Alternatively, the four-bank converter kit enables any pair of Austbat two-bank traps to be quickly deployed as a solid four-bank super trap.
All three models are available in trap areas to your specification – from the 1m2 mini mine-shaft trap through to the full 4.2m2 standard model. This model is the 2-bank 4.2m2 model.
Sound design and selection of high quality lightweight materials result in a microbat harptrap that is:
- Effective - excellent capture success combined with low escape rates;
- User friendly - quick to assemble, easy to adjust; no tools are required;
- Corrosion resistant – made from high grade anodised aluminium, stainless steel and brass;
- Mould resistant – our troppo bag is made of tough rot proof synthetic. The weave of our bag fabric provides the perfect balance between breathability and tactility for microbats during their stay. Classic canvas bags are also available;
- Lightweight - trap weighs just twelve kilograms, (standard 4.2m2 model);
- Interchangeable - all components are precision machined, enabling smooth assembly. Parts are freely interchanged between traps if required. Future spare parts are guaranteed to fit the trap that you buy today;
- Proven - over 650 Austbat traps are operating in 22 countries around the world, covering a vast range of habitats, from steamy jungles to scorching deserts. This is a living testament to the dependability of the Austbat Harptrap.