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Bat Calls of Britain and Europe

Bat Calls of Britain and Europe

A comprehensive guide to the calls of the 44 species of bat currently known to occur in Europe. Following on from the popular British Bat Calls by Jon Russ, this new book draws on the expertise of more than forty specialist authors to substantially update all sections, further expanding the volume to include sound analysis and species identification of all European bats.

Aimed at volunteers and professional alike, topics include the basics of sound, echolocation in bats, an introduction to acoustic communication, equipment used and call analysis. For each species, detailed information is given on distribution, emergence, flight and foraging behaviour, habitat, echolocation calls – including parameters of common measurements – and social calls.

Calls are described for both heterodyne and time expansion/full spectrum systems. A simple but complete echolocation guide to all species is provided for beginners, allowing them to analyse call sequences and arrive at the most likely species or group. The book also includes access to a downloadable library of over 450 calls presented as sonograms in the species sections.


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  • Reviews

    • Bat Calls of Britain and Europe is a scholarly publication that will primarily be of interest and value to bat biologists who conduct acoustic-related field research. This is true regardless of whether their research is conducted in Britain, mainland Europe, or elsewhere.  
      —Danny A. Brass, National Speleological Society (NSS) News 
    • Identifying species from bat calls is a complex business, and the book tackles its responsibilities to both novice and experienced bat workers with impressive thoroughness... An essential reference, and there can be hardly anyone who will not learn something new from the explanatory chapters. 
      —Bob Cornes, Bedfordshire Bat Group
    • The new bat calls ‘bible’ and an essential companion for anyone interested in acoustic diagnosis of bat calls, from ‘citizen scientists’ like me, to seasoned professional researchers. Unreservedly recommended to all. 
      —Steven Budd, Mammal News
    • The book is a real identification tool and undoubtedly an invaluable resource for anyone serious about bat identification and survey. It’s certainly a book I will be returning to time and time again. 
      —Stephanie Holt, Country-Side, British Naturalists’ Association magazine
    • This skillfully edited book by Jon Russ is a “must have” for hobbyist and professional bat researchers in Europe and provides useful and interesting information for bat workers elsewhere. …A hidden gem that makes this book even more valuable to anyone working with bat calls is the downloadable full-spectrum call library: the more than 450 fully annotated echolocation and social calls of the bats of the region make this one of the most accessible and useful bat call libraries. If you are interested in or work with bat acoustic data in Europe or Britain, I guarantee you will regularly refer to this volume and its companion call library. 
      —Eran Amichai, Quarterly Review of Biology
  • About the Author

    Jon Russ first became interested in bats while completing undergraduate research into pipistrelle social calls as part of a degree in Zoology at the University of Aberdeen. This led to a PhD at Queen’s University Belfast investigating Northern Ireland’s bats. Jon has been involved in a wide variety of bat-related projects in both temperate and tropical areas. Jon is Director of Ridgeway Ecology Ltd, a specialist bat consultancy. After more than 25 years of involvement in bat research and conservation, he continues to be fascinated by these remarkable mammals.

  • Bibliographic Information

    • 23 August 2021
    • 472 pages 
    • 700 figures 
    • 244 x 170 mm 
    • 1320 g 
    • ISBN 9781784272258
    • BISAC SCI070030, NAT019000, SCI020000 
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